2257 天前发布
需解决的关键技术问题: 生物纤维素在纸基功能材料物理融合比例 需求专业:工程与材料科学 专业方向:新材料
青州金青云新材料有限公司是一家专业生产高真空镭射镀铝防伪产品的高新技术企业。公司秉承“以人为本、创造经典”的经营理念,聚集了一大批从事真空镀膜行业十几年的优秀科技人才;拥有当今世界上技术水平最为先进的高真空镀铝材料生产线,以及其它涂布、复合、模压等配套设施,年产香烟包装和啤酒标签用环保型真空镀铝纸、镭射镀铝转移膜、镭射介质膜、镭射卡纸及各种镭射镀铝包装装潢材料2万余吨。主要产品有香烟包装和啤酒标签用环保型真空镀铝纸、镭射镀铝转移膜、镭射介质膜、镭射卡纸及各种镭射镀铝包装装潢材料,年生产能力2.03万余吨。2016年公司主导产品高真空镀铝纸产量为1.6万余吨,实现销售收入36535万元,利税1159万元。公司主导产品国内市场占有率为20%,目前是中国北方最大的高真空镀铝生产基地。 Qingzhou Jinqingyun new materials Co., Ltd is a high and new technology enterprise, specialized in the production of high vacuum laser aluminum anti - counterfeiting products. Company has always uphold its business philosoph of " putting people first in creating the classic" . The company has attracted a large number of vacuum coating experts who have be in this industry for more than 10 years and equipped with the world's leading technology-oriented production line for high vacuum aluminum-coating plating materials., and other advanced facilities for coating, composite and modeling. The main products are packaging materials of environment-friendly vacuum vacuum aluminum paper for cigarettes and beer labels, laser aluminum transfer film, laser media film, laser papercard and various laser aluminum plating packaging materials, and various laser aluminium coating packaging and decoration materials, of which the annual production is over 20,000 tons and annual production capacity is 20,300 tons. In 2016, the output of the company's leading products high vacuum aluminum plating paper is 16,000 tons, the sales revenue and the tax for that is 365.35 million yuan and s 11.59 million yuan respectively. The company dominates 20% of the domestic market share and ranks the 1st in terms of the production base for vacuum aluminum plating production in North China.