龙腾四海,翱翔九洲! 山东龙翔实业有限公司根植于深厚的齐鲁文化,坐落于美丽的石油之城、黄河入海口—山东东营,是一家集石化和低温装备研发、设计、制造、安装、维护为一体的科技型企业,是国家级高新技术企业,目前公司占地面积350亩,生产总面积近10万平方米,职工总数达到400多人。 公司拥有专业的管理、技术队伍和国内一流的生产线,拥有各类生产设备1300余台套,具有压力容器A1、A2、A3、B4制造资质和A1、A2、A3设计资质和GC2工业管道安装资质。目前公司已建成石化、低温装备两大产业,具备各类非标、低温容器的设计、制造、安装的总承包资质,在大型、重型、低温等高端装备制造领域在同行业内处于领先地位,企业规模、生产能力位居国内前列。产品通过国际ASME认证、欧盟CE-PED认证、TS16949国际汽车行业技术规范认证和QHSE三合一认证。 公司的石化装备产业目前建成储罐、球罐、换热器、塔器等多条生产线,公司持证焊工达到160人,能够完成压力容器制造的120多项技术工艺。近年来公司重点发展对资质和设施要求较高的重型大型装备,已在同行业中形成显著优势,目前公司与克拉玛依石化、呼和浩特石化、乌鲁木齐石化、山东海化、惠州炼化、延长石油等大型国企建立了稳定的合作关系,曾多次参与国内大型化工项目的建设。 公司的低温装备产业拥有低温储罐、低温气瓶、加气站和气化站等多类产品。公司的气瓶生产线自动化程度高,生产规模大,目前拥有车载气瓶、工业气瓶20多个产品系列,产品的各项指标高于国内同类产品,是北方最大的低温气瓶生产基地。公司具备各类固定式、撬装式加气站、气化站的总承包能力,销售服务网络遍布全国。公司建设的新能源(LNG)装备产业示范园规划建设LNG六大低温装备生产线,被列为山东省重点建设项目,目前已成为国内知名的低温装备制造基地。 目前公司具有中石油、中石化一级入网资质,企业市场和服务网络遍布山东、新疆、海南、江苏、陕西、甘肃等20多个省市和地区,在同行业内具有较大的影响力。 公司秉承“科技引领未来、管理提升品质”的经营理念,大力实施科技创新,全力打造行业领先品牌。公司愿以一流的技术、一流的产品、一流的服务与国内外朋友真诚合作,共同进步,互惠发展,共创美好未来!
潍坊科技学院作为应用型普通本科高校,吸引一批专家学者加盟学校,其中院士3人、国家“千人计划”人选3人、泰山学者特聘专家人选2人、国家级教学名师1人、国家科技进步一等奖获得者1人,聘请了100多名海内外知名高校的专家为我校兼职教授。我校自有教职工1700多人,副高级及以上专任教师达369人,硕士及以上1100余人,双师型教师312人,11人受聘为山东农业大学、山东师范大学、天津职业技术师范大学硕士研究生导师。 学校现设13个二级学院,开设32个本科专业,41个专科专业,涵盖7个学科,形成了多学科协调发展的学科体系,培育了园艺、化工工艺、软件工程、车辆工程等4个山东高校优势特色专业,构筑起了应用型人才优质发展的专业平台。 学校坚持内涵发展和特色提升战略,积极推进产教融合、校企合作。校园内建设了国家级科技企业孵化器、大学生创业孵化示范基地—寿光市软件园,吸纳师生实习实训、参与项目研发。依托专业人才和地方蔬菜产业优势,建成了生物工程研发中心,被确定为省级设施园艺实验教学示范中心。服务国家蓝色战略,建设了山东半岛蓝色经济工程研究院。现有省级重点实验室1个,省级工程技术研发中心1个,山东省人文社会科学研究基地1个,院士专家工作站2个,市级重点学科实验室2个,市级工程研究中心1个,按照“产学研用深度融合,校企双方合作共赢”发展思路,深层次推进校企合作。各类实验实训室143个、科研所17个。 As an application-oriented university sponsored by Shouguang People’s Government, Weifang University of Science and Technology has Attracted a group of experts and scholars to join the school, including 3 academicians, 3 national "thousands of people plan" candidates, 2 Taishan scholars, 1 national-level model teaching teacher, 1 national science and technology progress award winner, all together has hired more than 100 well-known colleges and universities experts at home and abroad as our part-time professors. Our university has more than 1,700 self-employed staff, among them there are 369 full-time teachers with associate professor titles. 1,100 with master's degree and above, 312 double-qualified teachers, 11 are employed as master dgree instructors in Shandong Agricultural University, Shandong Normal University, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University. The University has 13 secondary colleges covered 32 undergraduate majors, 41 three-years diploma programs and 7 disciplines, which has formed a multi-disciplinary coordinated development system, nurtured horticulture, chemical technology, software engineering, vehicle engineering, all together 4 Shandong University Advantageous and Characteristic Majors, and has built a high-quality development platform for application-oriented professionals. Adhering to the strategy of Substantial Development and Featured Upgrade, the University actively pushes ahead the fusion of industry and teaching and the cooperation of university and enterprises. On campus, it has established Shouguang Software Park, functioning as a national technological enterprise incubator and an incubation and demonstration base for university student entrepreneurship, where its teachers and students can obtain the opportunity of internship and practice and participate in project R&D. Relying on professionals and local vegetable industry advantages, WUST has built a bio-engineering research and development center, which was identified as the provincial protected horticultural experimental teaching demonstration center. Serving national blue strategy, WUST has established Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Engineering Research Institute. Now there are 1 provincial key lab, 1 provincial engineering and technology research and development center, 1 provincial humanities and social science research base, 2 academician work stations, 2 municipal key disciplines laboratories and 1 municipal engineering research centre. In accordance with the development idea of "integrating production with research deeply, school and enterprise cooperation closely to achieve win-win", WUST has built all together 143 practical labs and 17 research institutes.
主要产业是先进制造产业高技能人才的培训和相关科研,行业为工业自动化、工业机器人、数控技术为主的现代制造产业。 Our main field is the training of high-skilled talents and related scientific research of advanced manufacturing industry which is modern manufacturing, mainly including Industry Automation, Industrial Robot, Numerical Control Technology.
公司2007年8月3日注册,注册资本11046.54万元,现发展方向是新材料、新能源、新商态(电商)、新产业(一带一路产业)。公司已具备年产60万吨煅烧石油焦、15万吨铝用预焙阳极、10万吨超高压直流导电碳、90万吨余热新能源工业蒸汽、1080万千瓦时余热发电、3.6万吨余热海水淡化的产能规模。公司于2014年4月10日成功在“新三板”挂牌。公司煅烧石油焦产品主要用于出口,供应美国铝业、力拓加铝业、俄罗斯铝业、印度韦丹塔铝业、必和必拓铝业等高铁、大飞机、新能源汽车特种铝产业链国际高端铝业公司。现我公司与美国休斯顿Bee Carbon合作以采购优质石油焦,以供国内市场需求。2016年公司年产值7.39亿人民币,出口创汇7152万美元,纳税2744万人民币,排国内领先地位。 Weifang Lianxing New Material Technology Co., Ltd was registered on August 3rd, 2007 with the registered capital of 110.4654 million RMB. The company focuses on the production new materials, new energy, new business (electricity business), new industries (“one belt one road” initiative related industries). Its annual output of calcined petroleum coke is 600,000 tons, prebaked anode is 150,000 tons, ultrahigh voltage DC conductive carbon production is 100,000 tons, afterheat new energy produced industry steam is 900,000 tons, afterheat generated power is 10.8 million kilowatts and afterheat desalination productivity is 36,000 tons. The company was successfully listed on the "New Three Board" on April 10th, 2014. The calcined petroleum coke is mainly exported to overseas companies, such Alcoa, Rio Tinto, Rusal, Vedanta Aluminum and BHP Billiton, which are the high-qulaity Aluminum companies internationally specilized in the production chain of high-speed rail, large aircraft, new energy vehicles. Presently, the company is working with the United States Houston Bee Carbon to purchase high-quality petroleum coke to satisfy the domestic demand. In 2016,the company's annual output value reached 739 million RMB, exports revenue achieved 71.52 million US dollars, tax came to 27.44 million RMB, ranked the top position among the similiar industries.