山东潍坊润丰化工股份有限公司设立于2005年6月,在山东省会济南设有战略管理与运营本部,在山东潍坊、山东青岛、宁夏平罗、阿根廷等拥有4处制造基地,并已在全球40多个国家设有子公司或代表处,面向全球客户提供植物保护产品和服务,植物保护产品出口额已连续六年排名全国前三位。 Shandong Weifang Rainbow Chemical was founded in June 2005, its strategic management and operations headquarter was located in Jinan, Shandong. The company has set its manufacturing bases in Weifang (Shandong), Qingdao (Shandong), Pingluo (Ningxia), Argentina, and subsidiaries or representative offices in more than 40 countries worldwide. Its plant protection products and services has sold to customers all over the world. The export volume of plant protection products has been ranked within the top three domestically for six consecutive years.
座机: +86-010-68942688