潍柴动力股份有限公司(HK2338,SZ000338)是由潍柴控股集团有限公司作为主发起人、联合境内外投资者创建而成的。公司始终坚持产品经营、资本运营双轮驱动的运营策略,致力于打造最具成本、技术和品质三大核心竞争力的产品,成功构筑起了动力总成(发动机、变速箱、车桥)、整车整机、液压控制和汽车零部件四大产业板块协同发展的新格局,形成了全国汽车行业最完整、最富竞争力的产业链,拥有工程机械行业最核心的技术和产品,发展成为中国综合实力最强的汽车及装备制造产业集团之一。 Weichai Power Co., Ltd.(HK2338, SZ000338)was founded with Weichai Holding Group Co., Ltd. as the main sponsor, which attracted qualified domestic and foreign investors. The company always adheres to the operating strategy of using both product management and capital operation as the driving force, and constantly enhances its products' core competitiveness in terms of cost, technique and quality to successfully build a new pattern of joint development consisting of four key sectors — powertrain (engines, transmissions and axles), vehicle engines, hydraulic control and auto parts. Having formed the most complete and most competitive industry chain in the whole Chinese automobile industry and owning the extreme core technology and product in the construction machinery industry, the company has become one of the strongest comprehensive automobile and equipment manufacturing company in China.
座机: +86-010-68942688