康跃科技股份有限公司,位于山东寿光经济开发区,始建于1963年,是一家集设计、研发、生产和销售涡轮增压器于一体的国家级高新技术企业。2014年8月,康跃科技发行A股(股票代码:300391)并在深圳证券交易所创业板成功上市。目前,公司年增压器产销量位列国内增压器行业前三甲。 公司从美国、英国、德国、瑞士和日本等国家引进了具有国际先进水平的数控加工设备和检测设备,为高质量的产品生产奠定了坚实的基础。公司注重技术创新和科技成果的转换,自主开发了二十多个系列600多个型号的增压器,产品广泛应用于汽车、工程机械、农用机械、船舶动力、发电机组等领域。公司先后被评为中国内燃机零部件行业排头兵企业、中国汽车零部件增压器龙头企业等荣誉称号,并设立了博士后科研工作站。 Kangyue Technology Co., Ltd.was founded in 1963 and located in Shouguang Economic Development Zone, Weifang. It is recognized as one of the local high technology enterprises. Kangyue is engaged in research, development, manufacture, and marketing of turbochargers. It has issued A shares (stock code: 300391), listed on the GEM in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in August, 2014. Kangyue’s production capacity places it in the top three China manufacturers in the domestic turbocharger industry. Kangyue has imported advanced international CNC machining and testing equipment from the USA, Britain, Germany, Switzerland, Japan, and others, which provide a foundation for high quality products. Company focus on technological and scientific innovation. It offers 20 turbo series and 600+ models. Its products are widely used in automotive, agricultural, construction, truck, bus, marine, and generator applications.Also, Kangyue has established a post-doctoral scientific research station.
座机: +86-010-68942688