山东奥扬新能源科技股份有限公司(简称“奥扬科技”)成立于2011年6月,是一家专业从事低温装备制造及全价值链运营服务的企业。公司主要生产车用LNG气瓶系列产品、焊接绝热气瓶、生物罐系列、LNG加气站、气化站等低温装备; 奥扬科技,不断突破创新,致力于为全球客户提供高端智能的低温应用系统解决方案,立志成为全球领先的智能低温装备制造及全价值链运营服务商。 远见方能奠基未来,基于全球领先的智能低温装备制造及全价值链运营服务商的企业愿景,奥扬科技以用户对低温存储和运输需求为纽带,整合低温设备制造、气站建设、气体能源供应、物流运输,以及金融服务和售后支持,一站解决低温储运客户全价值链的需求。 Shangdong Auyan New Energy Co.,Ltd. was founded in June, 2011 specialized in manufacturing cryogenic equipment and providing all value chain operating services. We manufacture vehicle LNG cylinders, welded insulated cylinders, large gas storage tank and LNG filling station etc. Since its establishment, the company based on its company vision “to be the world’s leading manufacturer in intelligent cryogenic equipment and all value chain operating service provider”has drawn its blue print. With the purpose of satisfying the demand of the users for low temperature storage and transportation, the company has devoted to integrating low-temperature equipment manufacturing, gas station construction, logistics transportation, financial services and after-sale service.
座机: +86-010-68942688